Archive | July 2014

more treated soundtracks

Awhile back I posted some ‘treated soundtracks’ (link) that I cooked up on ProTools during lunch breaks. Here’s a couple more:


Midnight Grindhouse is an occasional sound project by DrG Supreme. ‘Treated soundtracks’ are created entirely from original soundtracks of B-movie noir and exploitation flicks. All sounds, including static, surface pops, tape noise, and electronic glitches, are treated as part of the original soundtrack for manipulation.  No sample banks are used.

Headphones. Loud. Repeat infinite.

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Minang Saluang Folk Music

Out of my recent haul of records from Jakarta’s famed flea market Jalan Surabaya, this one is easily the most mind-blowing. The jacket was torn and in bad shape, but the vinyl proved to be in good condition.

A collection of songs by the Minangkabau people from West Sumatra, the album shares a title with a song and the simple phrase ‘klasik Minang asli,’ or ‘original classic Minang’ music.

The music, which features only flutes and voice, is known as saluang, and consists of hypnotic chanting. The album features the renowned singer of this style, Adjis Sutan Sati. When the second singer, named Sawir Mudo, joins Sati, the doubling effect is transcendent. Listen closely and you’ll enter a strange mental state (perhaps suggested by both the burning cigarette and the areca nut and betel leaves serving tray depicted on the album jacket).

Siriah Langkok – Klasik Minang Asli

Elshinta Records (no date).


  1. Siriah Langkok
  2. Indang Baru
  3. Talago Biru


  1. Padang Magek
  2. Taram Manuai
  3. Bapikek Balam




Download MP3s here:

side one:

side two:


Listen to the album here:

A more modern version of the song “Bapikek Balam” can be found on Folk and Pop Sounds of Sumatra, Vol 1 , released by my pals at Sublime Frequencies.

Listen to that song here:

You can learn more about traditional folk music from Minang and listen to an awesome 78rpm recording provided gratis by the good folks over at Excavated Shellac:

Rapioen – Tandjoeng Sani





The Wages of Fear (1953)/Sorcerer (1977)

The Wages of Fear, Henri-Georges Clouzot/Sorcerer, William Friedkin. A rare instance of both original and re-make being well worth their salt, and also a vivid essay in the difference between French and American cinema. No surprise WoF, filmed in luxuriant b&w with expansive performances, investigates existentialism, socialism, homosexuality. No surprise either that the American release of WoF was severely censored, so when Friedkin re-made it 24 years later, all the Frenchiness was drained out. In its place is a hard-boiled action thriller heavy on psychological drama and special effects, shot in a grainy Technicolor, with a superb international cast. Both feature outstanding acting by leads Yves Montand and Charles Vanel in WoF; Roy Scheider and Francisco Rabal in the re-do.





Chen Jie and Golden Melody Band – Singapore 45rpm

Of all the 45rpm Singapore Chinese pop albums I bought over the years, this track is my favorite. It did not wind up on the Sublime Frequencies Singapore A-Go-Go album so I thought I’d upload it here.

The title can be translated as ‘She Misses Him So Much The Pain Gnaws At Her’.

As you can see, Chen Jie is a young woman. Her voice lacks the polish of other female Singapore pop singers of the time, such as Lisa Wong, but she more than makes up for that in the way she delivers the heartfelt lyrics of this traditional song. Apparently, she was well known as a dialect performer but here she sings in Mandarin.

To judge by the mind-blowing way she can bend and stutter notes, she was trained in Peking Opera–it’s a neat trick that modern singers like Theo Bleckmann strive to achieve; Chen Jie makes it sound effortless.

The background music is pretty tweaked out as well, a mix of traditional instruments and surf guitar that creates a slow motion wave of exotic despair. It’s a short track, but haunting.

Here are the lyrics if you can read them (I can’t).


SSEP211 lyrics



Download wav file here:




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